Summary: A study has identified over 140 new genetic risk factors for restless legs syndrome, increasing the total to 164. This discovery enhances understanding of the condition’s genetic basis, potentially leading to better diagnosis, management, and treatment. The findings … [Read more...]
New Clues to Mechanical Ventilation Weaning Failure
Interview by Sree Roy Mechanical ventilation can be a necessary supportive treatment for patients with breathing difficulties, with successful weaning often the goal. How can clinicians better predict who will pass or fail ventilation weaning? A new study reports that patients in … [Read more...]
Actigraphs Unlocks Clues to Early Alzheimer’s Detection
A small study finds differences in activity patterns among older adults with brain amyloid buildup and those without. Monitoring daily activity patterns using wristwatch-like devices called actigraphs may detect early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study … [Read more...]
Actigraphs Unlocks Clues to Early Alzheimer’s Detection
A small study finds differences in activity patterns among older adults with brain amyloid buildup and those without. Monitoring daily activity patterns using wristwatch-like devices called actigraphs may detect early warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease, according to a new study … [Read more...]